Why DABU Started Pt.2

Bustling main market in Udaipur

In the last letter, we talked about our motivation to get into business.  This time we want to share about our journey to answer the question: what would our business contribute to the local community. 

Personally, I (Analise) was never very interested in business. 9 to 5? Cubicles? Sales? Spreadsheets? Count me out!  It seemed cold and boring.  But here I am, fully invested and genuinely excited in everything from business plans and accounting to setting up an organizational chart.  All of which I barely—if at all—understood before we started DABU.  Now I can talk for hours about the importance, the thrill, the art of business.

Business has the opportunity to create order in the midst of chaos.

That idea came from the E-Myth and was a part of a big shift in the way we thought about business.  As we recognized the way people search for order in a chaotic world, we began to see the excitement of creating a job, an environment, that was defined. This took our hope of creating a business that would connect people and gave us a bit of a vision of how that could be accomplished.  

The goal of creating an orderly business also stood out to us because India is known for its chaos.  Huge crowds, crazy traffic, brightly colored clothes, spicy food… we’ve all seen the pictures and if you’ve experienced it in real life, you definitely know what we are talking about.  (Beneath the surface, patterns and rules emerge, but this country’s movement and activity are breathtaking!) 

How could our business contribute to order? By providing a purpose, satisfaction, and opportunities to excel.  It seemed like a big part of the answer was creating a business with clarity of roles, a system of how to do things, and appreciation for a job well done.  We knew that whatever our product was, we wanted our organization to be built around a structure that supported people, because people are what we are all about. 

Bye for now!


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